Doki templates

Daniel V.
2 min readMar 25, 2021

make simple!

Image 1. Home DokiTemplate

Our project helps developers create websites without spending so much time designing the graphical interface, decreasing development times.

Our focus was to create a simple way to download templates without payment or complicated steps.

Team members

Everyone in our team is passionate about development and open source but we understand the amount of time that takes to implement simple frontend design in a web app, so for that reason, we create this open-source project. For example, I’m a software developer who focuses on Backend, so for me is a good option to download with a simple command a frontend template and focus only on the backend development.


Technologies used

For the frontend, we choose to use Javascript and his library React, in the backend we choose a cloud service Firebase, that for to use technologies relevant today. some features of our project are:

Use of realtime database in Firebase.

Filestorage in Firebase, these are two services in the cloud of Google, each of one with characteristics very useful.

One of the most difficult technical was the use of Firebase because I never use this cloud service and the documentation is very overwhelming, so I need to read several times to understand how to use each feature, but at the end of the project I can say, “yes, I know Firebase and how works”

This project was very exciting and I want to learn more about cloud computing and Firebase because it is a back-end service and that is very impressive and useful.

I’m a very curious person and this project teach me a lot about team-work and learn new things, I love to learn a lot!!!

